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Big data and AI change what businesses do and how they do it. This creates challenging tasks for the executives and managers leading the organisation. Big data and AI also change the roles of business professionals.
Your long-term term success rides on the ability to keep pace with evolving technological changes

What is The Analytics Academy?

The Analytics Academy is a collaboration between the Amsterdam Business School of the UvA, ORTEC and Digital Shapers. This grounds our programmes in solid science. The Analytics Academy helps you to prepare for data and AI-driven business:

  • Understand: the landscape of emerging technologies in data, analytics and AI.
  • Aim: define a strategic roadmap on multiple horizons for your company or your career.
  • Win support: adopt and cultivate an entrepreneurial, agile and data-driven mindset.
  • Get it done: create structure for implementing big ambitions in tangible, bite-sized projects.