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Our Lean Six Sigma programmes are taught by university lecturers from IBIS UvA. This renowned research and training institute is part of the University of Amsterdam and has over 25 years of experience in Lean Six Sigma. The institute has trained more than 3,000 Green and Black Belts. The different Belts (Green Belt, Green to Black Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt) are taught in Dutch only.

About IBIS UvA

IBIS UvA places a strong emphasis on research in the field of statistics. Additionally, the institute is dedicated to sharing this knowledge within society by offering courses. IBIS UvA’s core strength is offering a combination of scientific research and field experience in Lean Six Sigma. 

Lean Six Sigma programmes

IBIS UvA's Lean Six Sigma programmes are for (prospective) project leaders of improvement projects. Participants learn skills based on the latest developments within the fields of statistics, decision sciences, computer science, data science and business administration. They work in, among others, the financial world, healthcare, government, education, logistics or consultancy.