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Retail prices currently fail to account for negative externalities such as CO2 emissions or worker exploitation. True pricing aims to integrate these costs into product prices, potentially reshaping consumption patterns.
Event details of True Pricing: Game Changer or Consumer Deterrent to Meaningful Action?
3 June 2024
12:00 -16:00

The symposium features researchers and businesses discussing the impact of true pricing. One goal is to raise consumer awareness of hidden costs and encourage sustainable choices. Alternatively, consumers can voluntarily pay the true price to offset externalities, with the proceeds funding sustainable initiatives. Consumer perceptions vary: some see transparency as aiding sustainable decision-making, while others doubt its effectiveness due to higher prices and implementation concerns.

True pricing as a sustainability tool

Hosted by UvA's Amsterdam Centre for Responsible Consumption (ACRC) and the Centre for Market Insights (CMI) of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA), the symposium explores true pricing's role as a sustainability tool. With industry and academic perspectives, including insights from a HvA pilot project.


12:00 – 12:45: Welcome & Introduction

  • Welcome – Sjoukje Goldman (HvA) & Carina Thürridl (UvA)
  • An introduction to True Pricing – Maurits Appeldoorn (True Price)

12:50 – 13:50: Insights into True Pricing from Research & Practice

  • Sjoukje Goldman (HvA) & Carina Thürridl (UvA): Establishing Consumer Trust in True Prices Through Partitioned Pricing: Preliminary Evidence from a Field and Several Online Experiments
  • Eva van den Broek (Behavioral Insights): Consumer Behavior & True Pricing: Results of the Experimenting Programme of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality
  • Maarten Rijninks (De Aanzet): De Aanzet: The First True Price Supermarket

14:00 - 15:00: Roundtable Discussion – Is True Pricing a Game Changer or Does it Deter Meaningful Action?

  • Ariane van Mancius - Founder of the True Pricing Café
  • Tahis Marti - Researcher at the Centre of Expertise Wellbeing Economy and Entrepreneurship (Avans University of Applied Sciences)
  • Gustaaf Haan - Philosopher and Head of Research at Questionmark
  • Peter van Dam - Historian at the University of Amsterdam
  • Maarten Rijninks - Founder of the first True Price supermarket De Aanzet

15:00 – 16:00: Borrel/Drinks


Spui 25-27
1012 WX Amsterdam